

  • 校董会





机器人9.1 - 9.10


9.1 .致力于多元化、公平、包容和平等 机会与平权行动 

大峡谷州立大学 is committed to inclusion and equity, and strives to establish a climate that welcomes and affirms the 所有学生和员工的贡献. 大学是有指导的 by values for inclusiveness and community which are integral to our mission to educate students to shape their lives, their professions, and their societies, and to enrich the community through excellent 教学,积极的学术研究和公共服务. 大学 努力为其社区的所有成员提供一个包容的 环境和公平的成功机会.

大学 is also committed to maintaining a climate conducive to an educational, living, and employment environment that is free from unlawful acts of harassment and discrimination, as well as those 由此策略定义. 所有社区成员都应该这样做 conduct themselves in a manner that does not infringe upon the rights 别人的. 这一政策的目的和意图都不是 infringe on the First Amendment or academic freedom as defined by the University.

大学是一个平权行动,机会均等的地方 institution, consistent with its obligations as a federal contractor. It encourages diversity and provides equal opportunity in education, employment, all of its programs, and the use of its facilities. 它是 committed to protecting the constitutional and statutory civil rights 与大学有关的人士.

Members of the University community, including students, employees, faculty, staff, administrators, Board members, consultants, vendors, others engaged to do business with the University, candidates for employment or admissions, and visitors or guests have the right to be free from acts of harassment and discrimination, including sexual 本政策所定义的不当行为. 根据适用的 federal and state law and this policy, acts of discrimination or harassment by members of the campus community are prohibited if they discriminate or harass on the basis of age, color, disability, familial status, height, marital status, national origin, political affiliation, race, religion, sex/gender (including gender identity and expression), sexual orientation, veteran or active duty military 地位或体重. 这包括不适当的访问限制 to, or participation in educational, employment, athletic, social, 文化,或其他大学项目和活动. 大学 will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with 残疾的人. 限制是合法的,如果它们是直接相关的 a legitimate University purpose, required by law, or lawfully required by a grant or contract between the University and the state or federal 政府. 就本政策而言,以性别/性别为基础 harassment includes sexual misconduct, sexual assault, interpersonal 或者关系暴力,跟踪.

9.2  平等的 机会与平权行动

The EEO/Affirmative Action Officer provides leadership for all facets of promoting and monitoring equal employment opportunity and the 大学的平权行动计划. 平等 Opportunity/Affirmative Action Office monitors the implementation of 董事会的 平等的 机会/平权行动政策发展教育 programs on affirmative action and equal opportunity laws, policies, and procedures as well as issues of harassment and discrimination, and 调查及处理有关投诉. 

9.3  残疾支援资源

本办公室提倡个人充分参与 残疾的人, and supports the University's compliance with the 《博天堂官方网页》(ADA)和《博天堂官方》第504条 教育部的康复法案. 它的使命是 provide support resources and accommodations that enhance the environment for persons with 残疾的人, and help to educate the 残疾问题的大学社区. 

9.4    第九条办公室 与机构公平

The Title IX office is responsible for monitoring and oversight of overall implementation of the University's Title IX compliance, including the coordination of training, education, communication, and administration of procedures for addressing complaints of sexual discrimination, which is sexual harassment and sexual misconduct including sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking, for faculty, staff, students and other members of the University. 


The Inclusion and Equity Institute strives to further the diversity, equity, and inclusion goals of people, organizations and communities 地方的、区域的和全国的. 作为大学的一部分 commitment of public service, the work of the Inclusion and Equity Institute is intended to create learning opportunities through collaborative partnerships and customized programs to uniquely meet 期望的目标和结果.

9.6  多元文化事务办公室

The 多元文化事务办公室 supports efforts in recruiting and retaining diverse students; to educate, engage and empower all students to live in a multicultural world; and to advocate for a 社会公正的校园环境. 这是通过合作来完成的 with students, faculty, staff and community through the delivery of 教育、项目和服务.

9.7   盖尔R. 戴维斯中心 妇女与性别平等

盖尔R. 戴维斯妇女和性别平等中心倡导 gender justice through education, engagement, and empowerment of women 学生和更大的大学社区. 这是在 partnership with students, faculty, staff and community through the 提供教育、项目和服务. 

9.8  弥尔顿E. 福特同性恋 资源中心

弥尔顿E. 福特LGBT资源中心教育,支持和 empowers students to lead authentic lives, to challenge systems of 性别和性,以及为社会正义而努力. 这是 accomplished in partnership with students, faculty, staff and community through the 提供教育、项目和服务. 

9.8  校园 跨信仰资源

校园 跨信仰资源 fosters understanding and engagement of the diverse religious, spiritual and secular identities of our students, faculty, staff and community through the delivery of 教育、项目和服务.  办公室的目的是提供支持 individuals in developing integrated lives and to promote social justice by cultivating an inclusive campus climate that promotes 不同信仰间的接触、对话和理解.

9.9  西尔维娅和 理查德·考夫曼跨信仰研究所

The mission of the 西尔维娅和 理查德·考夫曼跨信仰研究所 is to promote understanding and acceptance among all religious faiths and 在社区和校园里的观点.  这就完成了 through conferences, events, partnerships and relationships that bring 人们聚在一起对话,学会相互尊重.